Windows Directory written in Turbo Pascal for Windows Version 1.0 1991 June 10 WINDIR.TXT Introduction ------------ WinDir is a Windows program written in Turbo Pascal for Windows that illustrates the use of the ObjectWindows application framework. This program is copyright (c) 1991, Donald E. Shaw. All rights reserved. This program and its source code may be freely distributed for non-commercial use. The files include: WinDir.EXE - Executable program file WinDir.PAS - Turbo Pascal for Windows main program source WinDir.RES - Windows resource file WinDir.TXT - This file If you have received a ZIP file, you must unzip it first. Using WinDir ------------ This program requires Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later. To start the program start Windows and then use the File Run command to start WinDir.EXE. Or run WinDir directly from the DOS C:> prompt by typing: WIN WinDir The program features: - use of an icon in an about box and as the program icon - example of an edit control - example of a radio button control - example of check box controls - example of a static control - example of how to change the screen font - how to maximize the window from within the program - how to use the WVSPrintF function - how to re-write the window caption - example of menu use - examples of use of null terminated strings - iconizable screen - CUA and hot key commands, editing with the mouse or keyboard Turbo Pascal for Windows Users ------------------------------ This program illustrates some of the basic ideas common to many Windows programs including mouse and keyboard handling, resizing, fonts, colors, dialog boxes. Feel free to experiment with the source code to learn how to implement similar features in your own programs. You can compile this program with the Windows IDE or the command line compiler. To compile with the command line compiler type the following at the DOS C:> prompt: TPCW WinDir.PAS